In the World Rankings published in December 2023, our university has advanced by 49 positions. Improvement has been identified in the article score, total scientific document count score, and total publication impact score compared to the previous period.

Our university has successfully elevated itself in the rankings among Turkish universities in the categories of article score, total document count, total publication impact, total citation impact, and international collaboration in the World Rankings.

In the ranking published in November 2022, our university has achieved an improvement in article score, citation score and international cooperation scores among world universities compared to the previous period. Our university, whose overall ranking score has improved by about 12%, however, has regressed 12 places in the ranking. Although there is a regression compared to the previous period due to the update made in the evaluation criteria in the field of total broadcast effect, it is predicted that the score of the relevant field will again enter an upward trend in the coming periods.

Our university has achieved an improvement trend compared to the previous period in terms of article scores and international cooperation scores among Turkish universities. Our university, which received 17 points more than the previous period in the general ranking, dropped 4 places in 2022. It has been determined that our university, whose citation score, scientific document score and total citation effect increased, dropped a few points in the ranking.

Our university is in 68th place in the URAP ranking of all universities announced in October 2021. Ranking 65th out of 166 universities in 2020, there has been a slight improvement in the percentile of our university.

URAP, which was announced in October 2020, is in 65th place in the ranking of all universities. Our university ranked 78th in 2019 and has improved 13 steps.

URAP, the University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) Research Laboratory within the METU Informatics Institute, has ranked universities in Turkey according to their academic performance since 2009.

The scientific data used in the ranking are obtained from the Web of Science database, while the number of faculty members and students is obtained from the Higher Education Institution.

While our university improved the article score, citation score, scientific document score and doctoral graduate scores in the ranking, it decreased due to the increase in the number of students per faculty member.

The score type for the number of students per faculty member is low for many public universities that teach a large number of students. It can be expected that improvements in this indicator will be limited due to the external determination of quotas and the presence of staff constraints in the appointment of faculty members.

One of the most open aspects for improvement in terms of our university is the type of doctorate graduate. Our university is in 71st place with 74.50 points out of 200 points in the type of doctorate graduates in 2020. Therefore, it is the most critical area open to improvement. Before the quality is ignored, policies should be developed to increase the doctorate-student ratio and then the number of doctoral graduates.

The gradual raising of the criteria for appointment and promotion at our University in the last 3 years is effective in improving the scores of articles, citations, and scientific documents. In order to contribute to the continuation of the recovery, it may be recommended to implement the reward directive effectively.

National Evaluation Criteria (for 2023-2024 Ranking) International Evaluation Criteria (for 2022 Ranking)
Article The number of articles with a maximum of 1000 authors published in journals that entered the SCI, SSCI, and AHCI scans for 2022 and are in the first 75% (Q1, Q2, Q3 tranches) in terms of effectiveness multiplier. Article It is the total number of articles published in journals that were scanned by the Web of Science in 2021 and entered the top 75% in terms of impact factor (JIF). This indicator measures the current scientific productivity of a higher education institution.
Number of Articles Per Faculty Member Number of articles with a maximum of 1000 authors published in journals that entered the SCI, SSCI and AHCI scans in 2022 and ranked in the top 75% in terms of effectiveness multiplier / Number of Faculty Members in the year 2020-2021 Citation It is the total number of citations received by all articles published in journals scanned by Web of Science between 2017-2021 and included in the top 75% in terms of impact factor. This indicator expresses the extent to which quality can be sustained in an institution’s scientific productivity.
Citation The number of citations to the Total Scientific Documents with a maximum of 1000 authors between 2018-2022 (All citations to the Total Scientific Documents are included in the evaluation.) Total Document It is the total number of all scientific documents published between 2017-2021. scientific documents; It covers a wide range such as articles published in scientific journals, conference proceedings, academic books, abstracts, technical reports. This indicator measures the long-term academic productivity of an institution.
Number of Citations Per Faculty Member Number of citations received for a Total Scientific Document with a maximum of 1000 authors between 2018-2022 / Number of Faculty Members in 2022-2023 Article Impact Total – AIT It represents the total of the number of articles published in 24 scientific fields between 2017-2021, weighted according to the citation (𝑀𝐵𝐴𝑖) value per article in the relevant field. For this purpose, in the first stage; The ratio of the citation value per article observed in 24 scientific fields of the institution to the citation value per article observed for the world in that field was calculated. The rate obtained was multiplied by the number of publications in that field and the number of weighted publications was obtained. With the help of this indicator, it is aimed to measure the quality of the publications based on the world averages in the relevant field.
Total Document Total publications, papers, etc. number made between 2018-2022  Citation Impact Total – CIT It represents the total of the number of citations received from 41 science fields between 2017-2021, weighted according to the citation value per article in the relevant field. With the help of this indicator, it is aimed to measure the quality of the citations received depending on the world averages in the relevant field.
Total Number of Scientific Documents Per Faculty Member Total publications, papers, etc. made between 2018-2022 number / Number of Faculty Members in 2022-2023 Collaboration This indicator expresses the international prestige of an institution. It shows the total number of joint publications made by a higher education institution with an institution or institution in another country between 2017 and 2021.
Number of PhD Graduates Number of doctoral graduates in the 2021-2022 Academic Year    
Ph.D. Student Ratio Number of doctoral students in 2022-2023 Academic Year / total number of students in the same semester
Number of Students per Faculty Member Total number of students in 2022-2023 Academic Year / Number of Faculty Members in 2022-2023
Number of International Joint Articles Total Number of Articles with at most 1000 authors made with universities of other countries between 2018-2022
Number of International Joint Articles Per Faculty Member Total Number of Articles with a maximum of 1000 authors between 2018-2022 with universities of other countries / Number of Faculty Members in 2022-2023
Number of Domestic Joint Articles Total Number of Articles with a maximum of 1000 authors made with universities in Turkey between 2018-2022
Number of Domestic Joint Articles Per Faculty Member Total Number of Articles with a maximum of 1000 authors between 2018-2022 with universities in Turkey / Number of Faculty Members in 2022-2023
Number of projects received from TUBITAK The number of projects received from TUBITAK between 2017-2021.
Number of projects received from TUBITAK per faculty member Number of projects received from TUBITAK between 2017-2021 / Number of faculty members in 2022-2023
URAP Ranking
Years National Ranking of All Universities Percentile (%) National Ranking of State Universities Percentile (%) National Ranking of Universities Without a Faculty of Medicine Percentile (%)  

National Ranking of Universities Before 2000

Percentile (%) International RankingSıralama Percentile (%)
2024-2025 84/190 44,21 68/124 54,83 23/84 27,38 54/71 76,05
2023 – 2024 70/188 37,23 55/123 44,71 19/101 18,81 51/71 71,83 2335/3000 77,83
2022 – 2023 73/184 39,67 60/121 49,59 19/97 19,59 52/71 73,24 2384/3000 79,47
2021 – 2022 68/179 37,99 56/121 46,28 16/96 16,66 51/71 71,83 2372/3002 79,01
2020 – 2021 65/166 39,16 54/110 49,09 * * 51/71 71,83 2270/3000 75,67
2019 – 2020 78/166 46,99 66/109 60,55 * * 57/71 80,28 2242/2500 89,68
2018 – 2019 71/157 45,22 59/109 54,13 * * 56/71 78,87 2012/2499 80,51
2017 – 2018 58/148 39,19 49/102 48,04 * * 50/71 70,42 1865/2500 74,60
2016 – 2017 45/125 36,00 38/95 40,00 * * 45/71 63,38 1648/2000 82,40
2015 – 2016 54/130 41,54 42/95 44,21 * * 49/72 68,06 1575/2000 78,75
2014 – 2015 59/127 46,46 48/98 48,98 * * 54/76 71,05 1515/2000 75,75
2013 – 2014 60/125 48,00 50/96 52,08 * * 56/74 75,68 1442/2000 72,10
2012 – 2013 53/125 42,40 45/96 46,88 * * 51/74 68,92
2011 – 2012 37/125 29,60 33/96 34,38 * * 37/74 50,00
2010 – 2011 39/125 31,20 34/96 35,42 * * 39/74 52,70
*: Included in the ranking of universities with a Faculty of Medicine.
20 December 2023, Wednesday 3375 kez görüntülendi