After the completion of the self-evaluation processes at the end of August 2022 at our university, an information and feedback meeting was held by Vice Quality Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koray KASAPOĞLU in line with the examination of the reports prepared by the programs and the determinations made by Quality Coordinatorship under the chairmanship of Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Şuayıp ÖZDEMİR who is responsible for the quality at AKU.

Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Murat PEKER is responsible for the education at AKU, Quality Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali AVAN, Quality Coordinatorship staffs Lecturer Umut KEMEÇ and Statistician Uğur KAYA, Program Self-Assessment team heads, and responsible administrators in the units also attended the meeting.


17 October 2022, Monday 118 kez görüntülendi