The Self-Assessment Training for undergraduate programs has been completed at our university.

The provisions in the fourth section of the Education-Teaching Directive dated March 8, 2021, ensure program monitoring, evaluation, and accreditation through program self-assessment and peer assessment for programs that continue to admit students. Furthermore, these provisions define the procedures and principles related to program self-assessment and peer assessment processes.

According to Article 11/2 of the relevant directive, for every program admitting students, the program self-assessment team should prepare the program self-assessment report within the month of July every year.

In this regard, an informative meeting about the self-assessment processes was organized by Associate Professor Dr. Koray KASAPOĞLU, the Vice Quality Coordinator, on June 22, 2023. This meeting addressed the importance of conducting self-assessment, the significance of self-assessment in the quality processes determined by THEQC (Turkish Higher Education Quality Council), its legal basis at our university, and its theoretical foundation in educational sciences.

In addition, unit managers were requested to determine the self-assessment teams for the programs in their units, according to Article 4/1/v of the directive, which states, “The team will be composed of the department chair, the head of the department/branch, and two faculty members (or teaching staff if not available) and/or graduates of the department/branch, as determined by the department chair.”

Training videos on self-assessment processes were shared as part of in-service training, covering the establishment of self-assessment teams and how to manage the process through the distance education system. These in-service training materials include videos on how unit managers and the evaluation team can use the University Information System (ÜBYS) Program Module and self-assessment criteria. The training materials also include forms and guides.

22 June 2023, Thursday 163 kez görüntülendi