According to article 5/1. of Afyon Kocatepe University Quality Legistitation, the rector is the chair of the quality commission. The Acting Chair of the quality commission is the vice-rector entitled by the rector. The quality commission consists of at least 7 members who are from different academic units and from different fields of science, decided by the senate, and the quality coordinator, the general secretary, the head of the strategy development department and the student representative (President of University Student Council). The members of the quality commission formed according to the specified article are listed in the table below.


Prof. Dr. Mehmet KARAKAŞ Chair (Rector)
Prof. Dr. Şuayıp ÖZDEMİR Acting Chair (Vice-Rector)
Prof. Dr. Ahmet YILDIZ Member (Elected by Senate)
Prof. Dr. Hatice ÖZUTKU Member (Elected by Senate)
Prof. Dr. Kubilay ASLANTAŞ Member (Elected by Senate)
Prof. Dr. Erdinç DÜNDAR Member (Elected by Senate)
Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Ali AVAN Member (Quality Coordinator)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koray KASAPOĞLU Member (Elected by Senate)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali AVAN Member (Elected by Senate)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Volkan YAPRAKCI Member (Elected by Senate)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cahit ERDEM Member (Elected by Senate)
İhsan CERAN Member (Secretary General)
Ahmet ERKAN Member (Head of Strategy Development Department)
Yasemin İMAMOĞLU Member (President of University Student Council)
05 September 2017, Tuesday 4373 kez görüntülendi