The meeting regarding the Institutional Accreditation Program (IAP) of the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC) under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Mehmet Karakaş, Rector and Chairman of the Quality Committee at Afyon Kocatepe University (AKU), was attended by members of the AKU Senate, the Quality Committee, the Education and Training Committee, Department Heads, and the University Student Representative.

In his opening speech, our University Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Karakaş stated that the IAP process at our university officially commenced with the determination of evaluation team members following the agreement signed with THEQC. He emphasized that quality work at our university started in 2016 in accordance with the regulations made by THEQC, and in 2017, the Quality Committee and Quality Coordination were established. Prof. Dr. Karakaş expressed that in 2017, Institutional External Evaluation was included, and in 2020, Monitoring Programs were also incorporated. Continuing on from the monitoring program, our Rector added that the IAP process was initiated by THEQC, and all universities will be included in this process. Prof. Dr. Karakaş wished the commencement of the IAP process to be auspicious for our university and then passed the floor to Prof. Dr. Şuayıp Özdemir, Vice Rector and Acting Chairman of the Quality Committee.

In his detailed presentation, our University Vice Rector and Acting Chairman of the Quality Committee, Prof. Dr. Şuayıp Özdemir, who informed about the quality studies carried out at our university by the Quality Committee established in 2017 and the IAP process, stated that necessary works regarding the areas open for improvement identified in the reports prepared as a result of the Institutional External Evaluation and Monitoring visits conducted by THEQC were meticulously carried out throughout the entire university. Özdemir pointed out that the Institution Internal Evaluation Reports, prepared regularly every year since 2017, provided information about the quality processes and the functionality of the continuous improvement mechanism. He emphasized that the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach was adopted in all processes at the university, and stated that all unit managers should take ownership of the processes. Özdemir concluded his speech by underlining this point.

For the Institutional Accreditation Program Information Presentation, click here.


02 October 2023, Monday 323 kez görüntülendi