The opening speech of the meeting was delivered by our University’s Quality Coordinator, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali AVAN began by stating that universities undergo external evaluation processes related to their activities and that within this framework, all universities are evaluated by YÖKAK according to specific criteria. Avan emphasized that one of the important stakeholders in universities is the students; he pointed out that our student representatives are important because they serve as a bridge between the students and the administration in this regard, and stated that the meeting was held for this reason, emphasizing that students should be aware of their roles in the KAP process due to its initiation at our University. Avan stated that quality work at our University started in 2016 based on the regulations made by YÖKAK, that the Quality Commission and Quality Coordination were established in 2017, that Corporate External Evaluation was included in 2017, and Monitoring Programs were included in 2020. He emphasized that each evaluation is based on Institutional Internal Evaluation Reports, and underlined that the reports published by YÖKAK after the evaluation process serve as a guide. Continuing with the Monitoring program, he mentioned that the KAP process was initiated by YÖKAK and that it is necessary for all our students to participate in the processes and to raise awareness; for this awareness, he stated that they can visit the website of our university’s quality commission and review the previously prepared reports and surveys. He concluded his words by emphasizing that the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) approach is adopted in all processes at the university.

Click here for the Corporate Accreditation Program Information Presentation.



17 October 2023, Tuesday 237 kez görüntülendi